First editionMain article: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, completed by the end of March 1949 and published by Geoffrey Bles in London on 16 October 1950, tells the story of four ordinary children: Peter, Susan, Edmund, and Lucy Pevensie. They discover a wardrobe in Professor Digory Kirke's house that leads to the magical land of Narnia. The Pevensie children help Aslan, a talking lion, save Narnia from the evil White Witch, who has reigned over the kingdom of Narnia for a century of perpetual winter. The children become kings and queens of this new-found land and establish the Golden Age of Narnia, leaving a legacy to be rediscovered in later books.
一段令人心碎、惴惴不安的爱情故事,勾勒出一幅阐明人性的脆弱与希望、寻找乡关何处的宿命风景,而在平凡寻常文字间,呈现惊人真相的悬疑推理画面…… 海尔森表面上看来是一所迷人的英国寄宿学校,遗世而独立。学生皆能受到良好的照护与协助,并且在艺术与文学方面训练有素,完全符合这个世界对于他们的期望。但是,奇怪的是,他们从未学习任何有关外面世界的事物,对于外界也少有接触。 在海尔森的校区内,卡西从女童成长为一名年轻女性,然而却要到了她和鲁思、汤米两位朋友离开学校这个安全国度以后,才真正明了学校的全部真相,而且逐渐明白记忆中无瑕的成长过程,处处皆是无法追寻的惶惑与骇人的问号;他们的寿命将会随着“器官捐献”而慢慢步入死亡…… 本书不但承袭了石黑一雄一贯的典雅文风,却也尖锐的阐明人性的脆弱与希望,是一部巧妙融合了推理、悬疑、科幻与爱情元素的杰作。
《太阳照常升起》是美国作家海明威于1926年出版的长篇小说。作者藉此成为“迷惘的一代”的代言人,并以此书开创了海明威式的独特文风。 小说以1924年至1925年这一历史时段和名城巴黎为背景,围绕一群在感情或爱情上遭受过严重创伤或者在战争中落下了严重心理或生理机能障碍的英美男女青年放浪形骸的生活以及发生在他们之间的情感纠葛而展开,反映了这代人意识觉醒后却又感到无路可走的痛苦、悲哀的心境。
卡洛琳和迈克是姐弟俩,他们婚姻生活很糟糕,都面临着家庭离异的困扰。正当他们不知何去何从时,突然收到了消息——母亲弗朗西斯卡去世了,两个人急急忙忙赶回了童年时生活的乡村。 在收拾母亲的遗物时,他们发现了母亲给他们留下的一封长信,深埋在她心底的一段感情秘密让姐弟俩震惊万分…… 那是1965年的一天,农夫理查德带着一对儿女卡洛琳和迈克去了集市参加农业博览会,妻子弗朗西斯卡独自留在家中,她有了4天完全属于自己的时光。
一九三六年初秋到一九三九年春的西班牙内战早已成为历史陈迹,今天已不大为人们所提及。然而它实际上是第二次世界大战欧洲战线的序幕,是全世界进步力量和德意法西斯政权之间的第一次较量。由于种种复杂的历史原因,进步力量在这场斗争中失败了。以文学形式来反映这一页历史的作品为数不多,而今天尚被人推崇、文学阅读的恐怕就只有这一部《丧钟为谁而鸣》了。 这是海明威篇幅最大的一部小说,但全书情节局限于三天之内(一九三七年五月底一个星期六的下午到星期二上午),写得紧凑非凡。那时候,由于三月中政府在首都东北瓜达拉哈拉城附近大败意大利侵略军,首都已转危为安。戈尔兹将军这时正准备在首都西北向瓜达拉马山区叛军山上防线发动进攻,为了切断敌人的援路线,派美国志愿人员罗伯特·乔丹到敌后深山中和游击队接上关系,等战斗一打响,炸毁一座铁桥。本书即从老向导安塞尔莫带乔丹到桥头哨所侦察写起,接着两人就向游击队的营地进发。老人唤来了小组头头巴勃罗,乔丹和他立刻进行了交锋,矛盾就一步步展开了。巴勃罗当年原是马贩子,给部队和斗牛场供应马匹,后在斗牛场做帮手时结识了和斗牛士菲尼托同居的比拉尔,菲尼托被牛挑伤死去后,她跟巴勃罗待在一起。革命爆发时,巴勃罗率众在家乡小镇包围了民防军的兵营,逮捕了所有的法西斯分子,把他们都处死了。三天后,遭到反动军队的反攻倒算,至深山中打游击,一年来,袭击了几次敌人的据点,炸了一次火车,弄到了几匹马,开始酗酒,意气消沉,只求能在这山区混下去。他得悉了乔丹的来意,当场提出他所谓的狐狸的原则:要在一个地区待得下去,就只能到别的地区去活动,不然会被敌人赶走。比拉尔是个直爽热情妇人,和几个苦出身的斗牛士生活过来,多少尝到了些人间的欢乐,因巴勃罗当初富有男人气概而倾心于他,但如今年近半百,看他堕落成个鼠目寸光的酒鬼和胆小鬼,心里非常懊恼,和那些苦大仇深的游击战士一样,正于无法为他们所热爱的共和国作出贡献。在这节骨眼上,共和国派来了爆破手。当晚大家聚集在山洞里,比拉尔带头对巴勃罗,赞成炸桥,大家一致表态支持她,她豁出来说:“这儿我作主。”在这剑拔弩张的关头,乔丹不由得伸手按在手枪上,巴勃罗屈服了,但后来出尔反尔,处处只从他个人的安危出发,乔丹不得不在比拉尔和大家的帮助下,克服了他的破坏活动以及敌机敌骑兵的干扰所带来的困难,于星期二早晨及时完成了炸桥任务,但不幸以身殉职。 海明威发挥他独特的叙事艺术,以细致入微的动作描写及丰富多彩的对白,紧紧环绕着罗伯特·乔丹的行动,一气呵成地把这故事讲到底,同时插入了大段大段的内心独白及回忆,使这个主人公的形象非常丰满。
The Mysterious Island is a novel by Jules Verne, published in 1874. The original edition, published by Hetzel, contains a number of illustrations by Jules Férat. The novel is a sequel to Verne's famous Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea and In Search of the Castaways, though thematically it is vastly different from those books. The book tells the adventures of five Americans on an uncharted island in the South Pacific. The story begins in the American Civil War, during the siege of Richmond, Virginia, the capital of the Confederate States of America. As famine and death ravage the city, five northern prisoners of war decide to escape by the unusual means of hijacking a balloon. The five are Cyrus Smith, a railroad engineer in the Union army (named Cyrus Harding in some English translations); his black manservant Neb (short for Nebuchadnezzar), whom Verne repeatedly states is not a slave but an ex-slave who had been freed by Smith; the sailor Bonadventure Pencroff (who is addressed only by his surname, but his "Christian name", Bonadventure, is given to their boat; in other translations, he is also known as Pencroft); his protégé Harbert Brown (called Herbert in some translations), a young boy whom Pencroff raises as his own after the death of his father (Pencroff's former captain); and the journalist Gedéon Spilett (Gideon Spilett in English versions). The company is completed by Cyrus' dog 'Top'. After flying in stormy weather for several days, the group crash-lands on a cliff-bound, volcanic, unknown (and fictitious) island, described as being located at 34°57′S 150°30′W, about 2,500 kilometres (1,600 mi) east of New Zealand. (In reality, the closest island is located at 27.6°S 144.36°W.[citation needed] In location and description though, the phantom island Ernest Legouve Reef may correspond to the rock that is left of the mysterious island at the end of the novel. ) They name it "Lincoln Island" in honor of American President Abraham Lincoln. With the knowledge of the brilliant engineer Smith, the five are able to sustain themselves on the island, producing fire, pottery, bricks, nitroglycerin, iron, a simple electric telegraph, a home on a stony cliffside called "Granite House", and even a seaworthy ship. They also manage to figure out their geographical location. Map of "Lincoln Island" Throughout their stay on the island, the group has to overcome bad weather, and eventually adopts and domesticates an orangutan, Jupiter, abbreviated to Jup (or Joop, in Jordan Stump's translation). The mystery of the island seems to come from periodic and inexplicable dei ex machina: the unexplainable survival of Cyrus Smith from his fall from the balloon, the mysterious rescue of his dog Top from a dugong, the presence of a box full of equipment (guns and ammunition, tools, etc.), the finding of a message in the sea calling for help, the finding of a lead bullet in the body of a young pig, and so on. Finding a message in a bottle, the group decides to use a freshly built small ship to explore the nearby Tabor Island, where a castaway is supposedly sheltered. They go and find Ayrton (from In Search of the Castaways) living like a wild beast, and bring him back to civilization and redemption. Coming back to Lincoln Island, they are confused by a tempest, but find their way to the island thanks to a fire beacon which no one seems to have lit. At a point, Ayrton's former crew of pirates arrives at the Lincoln Island to use it as their hideout. After some fighting with the heroes, the pirate ship is mysteriously destroyed by an explosion. Six of the pirates survive and considerably injure Harbert through a gunshot. They pose a grave threat to the colony, but suddenly the pirates are found dead, apparently in combat, but with no visible wounds. Harbert contracts malaria and is saved by a box of sulphate of quinine, which mysteriously appeared on the table in the Granite House. The secret of the island is revealed when it turns out to be Captain Nemo's hideout, and home harbour of the Nautilus. It is stated that having escaped the Maelstrom at the end of Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea, the Nautilus sailed the oceans of the world until all its crew except Nemo had died. Now an old man with a beard, Nemo returned the Nautilus to its port under Lincoln Island. All along it was Captain Nemo who had been the savior of the heroes, provided them with the box of equipment, sent the message revealing Ayrton, planted the mine that destroyed the pirate ship, and killed the pirates with an "electric gun" (Most likely one of the air rifles that is used in the previous novel Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea). On his death bed Captain Nemo reveals his true identity as an Indian Prince Dakkar, a son of a rajah of the then independent territory of Bundelkund and a nephew of the Indian hero Tippu-sahib. After taking part in the failed Indian Rebellion of 1857, Prince Dakkar escaped to a deserted island with twenty of his compatriots and commenced the building of the Nautilus with the new name of Captain Nemo. Nemo tells his life story to Cyrus Smith and his friends and dies, saying "God and my country!" The Nautilus is then scuttled and serves as Captain Nemo's tomb. Eventually, the island explodes in a volcanic eruption. Jup the orangutan falls down a crack in the ground and dies. The colonists, warned by Nemo, find themselves at sea on the last remaining boulder of the island that is above sea level. They are rescued by the ship Duncan, which has come to pick up Ayrton and was itself informed by a message left on Tabor Island by Nemo.
The Hound of the Baskervilles is one of the four crime novels by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle featuring the detective Sherlock Holmes. Originally serialised in The Strand Magazine from August 1901 to April 1902, it is set largely on Dartmoor in Devon in England's West Country and tells the story of an attempted murder inspired by the legend of a fearsome, diabolical hound.
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