Around the world in eighty days
第一章: 斐利亚·福克和路路通建立主仆关系 In which Phileas Fogg and Passepartout Accept Each Other, The One as Master, The Other as Man
第二章: 路路通认为他总算找到了理想的工作 In which Passepartout is Convinced that He Has at Last Found His Ideal
第三章: 一场可能使福克先生破财的争论 In which a Conversation Takes Place which Seems Likely to Cost Phileas Fogg Dear
第四章: 斐利亚·福克把路路通吓得目瞪口呆 In which Phileas Fogg Astounds Passepartout, His Servant
第五章: 伦敦市场上出现了一种新的股票 In which a New Species of Funds, Unknown to the Moneyed Men, Appears on 'Change
第六章: 难怪侦探费克斯着急 In which Fix, the Detective, Betrays a Very Natural Impatience
第七章: 查护照解决不了任何问题 Which Once More Demonstrates the Uselessness of Passports as Aids to Detectives
第八章: 路路通的话似乎说得太多了一点 In which Passepartout Talks Rather More, Perhaps, than is Prudent
第九章: 斐利亚·福克顺利渡过了红海和印度洋 In which the Red Sea and the Indian Ocean Prove Propitious to the Designs of Phileas Fogg
第十章: 路路通赤脚逃出庙来 In which Passepartout is Only Too Glad to Get Off with the Loss of His Shoes
第十一章: 斐利亚·福克高价买大象 In which Phileas Fogg Secures a Curious Means of Conveyance at a Fabulous Price
第十二章: 斐利亚·福克一行人冒险穿越森林 In which Phileas Fogg and His Companions Venture Across the Indian Forests, and what Ensued
第十三章: 路路通又一次证明:幸运总是向勇敢的人微笑 In which Passepartout Receives a New Proof that Fortune Favors the Brave
第十四章: 福克无心欣赏恒河山谷美景 In which Phileas Fogg Descends the Whole Length of the Beautiful Valley of the Ganges Without Ever Thinking of Seeing It
第十五章: 福克先生的钱袋里又减少了几千英镑 In which the Bag of Banknotes Disgorges Some Thousands of Pounds More
第十六章: 费克斯假装什么也不知道 In which Fix Does Not Seem to Understand in the Least What is Said to Him
第十七章: 从新加坡到香港 Showing what Happened on the Voyage From Singapore to Hong Kong
第十八章: 斐利亚·福克、路路通和费克斯各人都忙着自己的事 In which Phileas Fogg, Passepartout, and Fix Go Each About His Business
第十九章: 路路通竭力为主人辩护 In which Passepartout Takes a Too Great Interest in His Master, and What Comes of It
第二十章: 费克斯和斐利亚·福克短兵相接 In which Fix Comes Face to Face with Phileas Fogg
第二十一章: “唐卡德尔号”船主险些儿没得到两百英镑的奖金 In which the Master of the "Tankadere" Runs Great Risk of Losing a Reward of Two Hundred Pounds
第二十二章: 路路通明白了,即使到天边,兜里也得装点钱 In which Passepartout Finds Out that, Even at the Antipodes, It is Convenient to Have Some Money in One's Pocket
第二十三章: 路路通的鼻子变得异常的长 In which Passepartout's Nose Becomes Outrageously Long
第二十四章: 横渡太平洋 During whicH Mr. Fogg and Party Cross the Pacific Ocean
第二十五章: 选举日,旧金山之一瞥 In which a Slight Glimpse is Had of San Francisco
第二十六章: 他们乘坐太平洋铁路上的快车 In which Phileas Fogg and Party Travel by the Pacific Railroad
第二十七章: 路路通坐在时速二十英里的火车上,聆听有关摩门教的讲座 In which Passepartout Undergoes, at a Speed of Twenty Miles an Hour, a Course of Mormon History
第二十八章: 没人愿意听路路通讲的一番道理 In which Passepartout Does Not Succeed in Making Anybody Listen to Reason
第二十九章: 太平洋联合公司的铁路上故事多 In which Certain Incidents are Narrated which are Only to be Met with on American Railroads
第三十章: 斐利亚·福克只是做了他应该做的事 In which Phileas Fogg Simply Does His Duty
第三十一章: 密探完全为斐利亚·福克的利益着想 In which Fix, the Detective, Considerably Furthers the Interests of Phileas Fogg
第三十二章: 斐利亚·福克与恶运搏斗 In which Phileas Fogg Engages in a Direct Struggle with Bad Fortune
第三十三章: 斐利亚·福克战胜了困难 In which Phileas Fogg Shows Himself Equal to the Occasion
第三十四章: 斐利亚·福克终于到达伦敦了 In which Phileas Fogg at Last Reaches London
第三十五章: 路路通立即执行主人的命令 In which Phileas Fogg Does Not have to Repeat His Orders to Passepartout Twice
第三十六章: “福克股票”又成了市场上的热门货 In which Phileas Fogg's Name is Once More at a Premium on 'Change
第三十七章: 斐利亚·福克这次环游地球除了幸福,什么也没有得到 In which it is Shown that Phileas Fogg Gained Nothing By His Tour Around the World, Unless It Were Happiness
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