Chapter 7

HROTHGAR spake, the Scyldings’-helmet
For fight defensive, Friend my Beowulf
to succor and save, thou hast sought us here.
Thy father’s combat 28 a feud enkindled
when Heatholaf with hand he slew
among the Wylfings; his Weder kin
for horror of fighting feared to hold him.
Fleeing, he sought our South-Dane folk
over surge of ocean the Honor-Scyldings
when first I was ruling the folk of Danes
wielded, youthful, this widespread realm
this hoard-hold of heroes. Heorogar was dead
my elder brother, had breathed his last
Healfdene’s bairn: he was better than I
Straightway the feud with fee 29 I settled
to the Wylfings sent, o’er watery ridges
treasures olden: oaths he 30 swore me.
Sore is my soul to say to any
of the race of man what ruth for me
in Heorot Grendel with hate hath wrought
what sudden harryings. Hall-folk fail me
my warriors wane; for Wyrd hath swept them
into Grendel’s grasp. But God is able
this deadly foe from his deeds to turn
Boasted full oft, as my beer they drank
earls o’er the ale-cup, armed men
that they would bide in the beer-hall here
Grendel’s attack with terror of blades.
Then was this mead-house at morning tide
dyed with gore, when the daylight broke
all the boards of the benches blood-besprinkled
gory the hall: I had heroes the less
doughty dear-ones that death had reft.
But sit to the banquet, unbind thy words
hardy hero, as heart shall prompt thee.
Gathered together, the Geatish men
in the banquet-hall on bench assigned
sturdy-spirited, sat them down
hardy-hearted. A henchman attended
carried the carven cup in hand
served the clear mead. Oft minstrels sang
blithe in Heorot. Heroes revelled
no dearth of warriors, Weder and Dane.
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