What a glorious piece of synchronicity. My beautifulfriend Kerry Nowensky, who commanded, "Write it down!
Now!" My guardian angel Dorothea Helms, who said, "It'stime to get yourself a great agent." My amazing agentSheree Bykofsky, who bombarded me with support andcommitment. The charismatic book publisher PeterWorkman, who brings all his sense to bear on a book andsurrounds himself with the finest talent to be found. Andjust when you thought you've seen and heard it all, alongcomes the astonishing Sally Kovalchick, who blows youaway with her ability to inhale a manuscript and exhale afinished book.
I offer you all my heartfelt thanks. You are livingproof that other people are our greatest resource.
Now!" My guardian angel Dorothea Helms, who said, "It'stime to get yourself a great agent." My amazing agentSheree Bykofsky, who bombarded me with support andcommitment. The charismatic book publisher PeterWorkman, who brings all his sense to bear on a book andsurrounds himself with the finest talent to be found. Andjust when you thought you've seen and heard it all, alongcomes the astonishing Sally Kovalchick, who blows youaway with her ability to inhale a manuscript and exhale afinished book.
I offer you all my heartfelt thanks. You are livingproof that other people are our greatest resource.